Administrative Staff

Sl. No. Name of the Staff Designation Date of Joining Remarks
1   Sweeper 28-03-2013 Sweeper-Institution
2   Security Gaurd 28-03-2013 Near Main Gate of Institution
3   Mali 28-03-2013 Gardening work outside Institution and Hostel area
4   Attendent 28-03-2013 Doing photo copy, keeping drinking water , taking care off guest ,dispatching courier etc.
5   Hostel Superintendent & Khel Instructor 28-03-2013 Hostel Administration & Khel Anudeshk cum game trainer
6   Hostel Clerk 28-03-2013 Keeping Hostel students and account records. Issuing room.
7   Sweeper 28-03-2013 Cleaning of Hostel Rooms & surrounding
8   Security Gaurd 28-03-2013 Keeping vigilance over hostel , maintaining the gate register with entry of students ( in & out)